August 31, 2012

Video Game Review: Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes

     This review is not the one that it needs but the one that is deserves. Given the title, Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes is not just another Lego game and is certainly not just another Batman game. At first, I was skeptical, DC Superheroes? In June, I thought Traveller's Tales (Developer) was going to shoehorn every DC Superhero without the slightest context just to add more characters, cuteness and replay value. Fast-forward to August, how wrong I was.

Arkham City style posters

     Characters talk this time around. One might expect everything to go awry as we're so accustomed to the gibberish-speaking minifigures but the voice acting works wonders along with the witty dialogue. The least one would expect when the industry's best voice actors are lending their talent such as Troy Baker (The Last Of Us, Bioshock Infinite) and Nolan North (The Uncharted series, every other game you've played).

     The story is one of the highlights. Even at the beginning, Batman and Robin have their hands full with classic villains running amok and spreading fear throughout the brick-filled Gotham. The game does a good job at introducing established characters from other DC Comics as the narrative progresses and they fit perfectly in Batman's world. One of the best moments is when the Justice League show up in the wet streets of Gotham to rain down justice. There's still the tongue-in-cheek humour that we've come to expect from a Lego game and it is abundant. There's even a reference to the Dark Knight's outing last year, Batman: Arkham City. By the end of the story, I've only completed less than a third of the game.

Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman in Lego form

Green Lantern and The Flash in the Batcave

     The other two thirds of the game lies in Gotham itself. Gone are the signature hub worlds, you are then treated to an entirely open city where you have the freedom to explore. The city is full of puzzles to solve that nets you gold and red bricks to unlock various characters and cheats. Puzzles are simple enough to accomodate younger players. Famous villains are also found among the common rabble of street thugs wielding pies and giant mallets.

A whole city to explore at your will
     The game does have a few minor flaws, though. Flying around the city as Superman or in a vehicle can prove to be a bit of a struggle in tight corners. The dynamic split-screen can also be quite wacky but that can be easily remedied with a quick change of settings. As a whole, the overall package is superb and full of content that will keep you coming back for more. Rating: 9.5/10

Save Gotham as the Caped Crusader... and friends!

Video Game Review: Mass Effect 3

     Being the epic finale to conclude Commander Shepard's story, the expectations from fans and critics are extremely high. Can Bioware (Developer) deliver? I'm happy to say that Mass Effect 3 not only surpasses both of its predecessors, it's one of the best games of this year, hands down.

     The superbly crafted story keeps you on your toes from start to finish. The characters that you meet throughout the game are very well fleshed out. Each teammate or enemy has their own backstory, to uncover it, just engage in a dialogue. Lengthy conversations don't even feel cumbersome as the voice acting is top-notch and full of emotion despite the noticeable weird lip-sync. Though, the lip-sync has seen some improvement and character models move more organically than their robot-like nature in previous Mass Effect games. Danger lurks in all corners of the galaxy as the Reapers descend and wage war with every known species since their massive build-up in previous games. The story will tug at your heartstrings from time to time as anyone can die in this final chapter. One of the pivotal moments is the romantic scene where you truly start to feel attached to your love interest that you'll try your best to save the galaxy from total annihilation and come back safe in the final few hours, it's not just for the trophy this time. All of this culminates in a beautifully woven narrative that's one of the best of this year.

The fate of the galaxy is in your hands

     As an RPG, Mass Effect 3 isn't as complicated as Mass Effect and isn't as barren as Mass Effect 2 in terms of the RPG elements. It has just the right amount of customisation that it welcomes new players and still keeps veteran of RPG satisfied. Combat has seen a vast improvement as Commander Shepard is more nimble than he has ever been as new mechanics are introduced such as combat rolls, the satisfying heavy melee and the improved cover system. Alternating shooting dudes in the head and pulling off an omni-blade kill is as satisfying and addicting as ever. Enemies are varied and gradually increase in difficulty as the game progresses. So, that omni-blade might not be used as frequently in the later parts of the game.

Shepard using the omni-blade to dispatch his foe

Shepard doing battle with a Reaper

     Just when you thought it was over, Mass Effect 3 is the first in the series to introduce a multiplayer mode that's surprisingly addicting . The multiplayer is fully co-op so there won't be 13-year-olds screaming at you at the other and of the globe. After months of the completion of the story mode, I still find myself coming back to bask in the rich multiplayer.

Work together to defend the galaxy!

     I've said it once and I'll say it again, Mass Effect 3 is one of the year's best. The gameplay is fun, the story is masterfully presented and the ending is perfect. It's surely a prime candidate for the prestigious Game Of The Year award. Rating: 10/10

Commander Shepard and his squad

August 18, 2012

My Epic: Desperate Future

This is my fourth essay (rather, short story. I'll call them short stories from now on). Inspired by various sources, such as Naughty Dog's survival-horror video game, The Last Of Us, hot TV Drama, The Walking Dead and other post-apocalyptic and zombie related works of art. Enough talk, let's cut to the chase...

MAY 2012

            It was a hot sweltering Tuesday afternoon as I entered the dilapidated general store. With everything that has been going on, the outbreak, the whole world in turmoil, how was I possibly sure that it was Tuesday? Why should I even care when there are more important things to worry about?
            Dead bodies. Those were the first things that I saw. Some were human, torn, battered and some were partially another creature, their faces resembled nothing of a normal human being and their bodies were contorted. I couldn't bear looking at them for another second. Instantly, I started to search for a first aid kit in the wreck of a store. Time was of the essence, so I had to be swift before those things showed up again. As I rummaged through the pile of useless things on the counter, something caught my eye, something pink, something fluffy, something conspicuously out of place. I pulled it out and held it in my palms, a dirty plush toy that must have belonged to a little child. I thought to myself, "Where could she be now? Could she have suffered the same horrible fate as these poor souls lying on the floor?" I couldn't let my emotions take control of me. I needed to find that first aid kit.
            As I continued my relentless search for the kit that would mean the life or death of my loved one, I heard a howl, not of a canine, but of a mutated being. The blood-curdling howl sent shivers through my spine. "Why can't you leave me alone for once?" I thought. There were more than one of them and I'm sure they have caught my scent. I pulled out my pistol from its holster, instantly letting go of the safety latch. Twelve rounds in the clip, let's just hope that there are less than a dozen of them.
            I saw a backdoor. I hurriedly made my way through the mess of debilitating, old groceries and I found myself in a dark alleyway. Those things were there, their elongated shadows loomed horridly, their distorted faces stared unflinchingly at me. They started to sprint towards me as I shot one of them twice. It crumpled to the ground, lifeless. The rest of 'them' stampeded on it to make their way to me, crushing its bones and pounding its rotten flesh. I ran like a bat out of hell and let out a few more shots towards them. Two, three, dead. But, there were more, there was always more.
            I ran through the deserted city streets, passing by defunct vehicles overgrown by the verdant greenery reclaiming this man-made concrete maze. I spotted a door at the side of a decrepit building. I ran straight for it and emptied the whole clip of my handgun at those things. As I entered the darkened building, I slammed the door and found myself trapped in a pitch-black room. Those things were still out there, banging on the door. I pulled out my trusty flashlight. I pointed it around the room, scanning for an escape route.
            Out of the blue, something human-sized pounced at me. In an instant, I was locked in close-quarters combat. In the dim glow of my flashlight, I could see that this creature was trying to gnaw at my throat. I held it back with one arm as I desperately searched for anything that I could use to fend off this thing. "A lead pipe, perfect. Let's see how you like this." I swung the pipe towards its head, knocking it away. I got to my feet and beat it into a pulp. It was a mess of sinews and shattered bones when I was done. Disgusted, I threw away the pipe. I picked up my flashlight and saw a first aid kit on an unkempt desk. There was an old door leading out to the haunted halls. God knows whatever was waiting for me out there. Now, I remember, I had to get back to my loved one, it's her birthday, this particular Tuesday.